Hero Circle 6-1

Continuous Improvement For

Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers

Compliance is always front of mind, so what happens when your production doesn't meet quality standards? L2L uses data to show you the root cause of problems and get you back to producing compliant material quickly. 

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Hero Circle 6-1
Home Screen 3

Problem solving tools

Track Actions, Resolve Issues

Centralized Scheduling

Alert the Right People...Fast

L2L's Dispatches manage notifications, alerting the right people and escalating if needed. 

Close the Loop

Understand the Root Cause of Problems

L2L's Lean manufacturing tools and dispatches help you close the loop on quality issues and prevent them from occurring again. 

Simplify Your User Interface

Simplify Your User Experience

L2L's role-specific portals and intuitive user interface make connected workers' jobs easier every day. 

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Home Screen 3


Global Users
and Growing

Our Digital Production Platform provides visibility, priority and structure that enables you to solve problems in real-time on the factory floor.

Read Case Studies
ADAC Video Testimonial

L2L is Focused on the People

"L2L is really a system that's focused on the people. That's what struck a chord with us."

Jacob Reid Headshot

Jacob Reid

Head of Engineering, Oetiker

Discover the Premier Connected Worker Solution

"L2L promotes accountability and levels the playing field. It helps everyone speak the same language"

Justin Skaggs

Worthington Industries

Let’s Get Started