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The manufacturing floor is inherently dangerous. With constantly moving materials and parts, heavy machinery, and noise, there's little room for error. A single mistake or inattention to detail could result in serious, life-changing injury or even death. 

Preventing recordable events and accidents requires a modern approach to safety that engages the entire team. L2L helps manufacturers build a culture of safety that makes the right action second nature. With clear guidelines, prompts, and ongoing training, L2L standardizes best practices and procedures to ensure everyone goes home safe at the end of their shift. 

Safety Hero


Despite the best intentions, many firms struggle with safety issues throughout their plants due to:

  • Ineffective training
  • Staffing shortages
  • Lack of standard work procedures
  • Failure by management to address documented issues

L2L helps your team identify these issues together, so they can jointly prioritize and solve them faster.


Creating a culture of safety requires clear guidelines for employees and a monitoring and reporting framework that keeps management on top of events in real time. L2L does this with intuitive tools that help frontline workers through: 

  • Clear guidance: With standardized work instructions and safety protocol information, including PPE requirements, L2L makes it easy for employees to follow safety procedures.  
  • Safety monitoring: To track the latest safety trends in real time, L2L provides a “Safety Cross” dashboard that lets users see a color-coded overview of recent safety events and their status.
  • Alignment & reporting: Instilling a safety-first culture requires good communication. L2L lets employees flag unsafe working conditions, recommend updates to standard work, and report and escalate issues in real time.
  • Improved analysis: Understanding safety progress is easy with L2L analysis, including Pareto charts that provide a visual overview of safety issues by area, category, and type.  
  • Safety audits & compliance: Compliance with regulatory audits requires documentation. L2L simplifies this process with a clear digital record of all safety events, follow-up actions, and key dates to make audits easy. 
Safety Cross Dashboard


Daily Safety Checks

Intuitive inspection instructions speed safety checks and catch issues before incidents or audit problems occur.

Incident Reporting

L2L's real-time view of shop floor processes makes safety reporting features like the Safety Cross easy to produce and use.

Hazard Identification

Enable your entire team to report unsafe conditions across your plant and solve them before incidents occur.

Safety Observations

L2L makes it easy to report on safety inspections, follow-up work assignments, and long-term safety trends.

Audits and Inspections

L2L reports can be quickly and easily referenced to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory audits.

Alertness Tracking

L2L makes it easier to track safety events and near misses, bringing visibility to safety issues as they occur to ensure quick remediation. 


The digital Safety Cross report is the latest safety feature that we've added to our industry-leading connected workforce platform. 

  • Make safety visible and actionable: Equip frontline workers with tools to spot, report, and understand safety incidents and how to avoid them. 
  • Simple goal setting: Quickly understand how your facility is doing against your safety goals. With a green, yellow, and red color coding system, your workers will know when safety events happen, making it easy to set team safety goals. 
  • Understand your safety issues: Dive into the details of major and minor safety issues. Discover the causes of safety events and get ahead of them before they result in downtime.
Jorge Martell VP Operations ADAC

"We have achieved real-time visibility of critical metrics and enabled fast and accurate responses, increasing efficiency throughout our plants.”

Mike Rutherford, VP Manufacturing Operations, ADAC Automotive