Have you ever witnessed this scene? A dirty maintenance shop, maybe located somewhere in the back corners of the plant. A computer kiosk with a single monitor desktop pc sitting on top, the only computer in the shop mind you. A mechanic, with a stack of PM’s in their left hand pecking away at the keyboard with one greasy finger on their right hand. You can see the anguish on their face as they try to recall all of the tasks worked on during the day and how long each one took. You then realize, there is no way that this information being typed into the EAM system is going to be accurate.
If you have seen this scene or something like it, then what you are witnessing is the failures of an antiquated EAM System. The modern EAM has all but eliminated this scenario and hundreds like it through advancements in cloud technology, software design and mobile device access.
Original version: 18 July 2024
Written by: Evelyn DuJack
Reviewed by: Daan Assen
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