Downtime Insights
Understand Downtime Better Than Ever
Real-time notifications and escalation protocols
With our mobile application and customizable workflows, you’ll be able to quickly prevent downtime issues as they occur.
Instant access to manuals, machine & spares history
Provide your team with the ability to quickly access manuals, machine & spares history related to each downtime issue. Teams that use L2L solve issues quickly and effectively.
Capture downtime history through video & images
Document when, why, and how each downtime issue occurred with videos and images. That way your team can diagnose each issue with rich media.
Employees are engaged.
“Employees are engaged, morale is up because they feel empowered and part of the solution to fix each problem. Management will sit in a room and think they know the problem but the reality is that those guys know the problem."
Phillip Anderson
Empower Your Connected Workforce
"L2L is a valuable tool. Having everything at our fingertips creates continuity between maintenance, operators, and leadership."