Corvex: 5 Reasons Gen Z Will Consider Manufacturing as a Career

Written by L2L | Jul 31, 2019 3:30:00 PM

According to L2L survey, Gen Z is more interested in manufacturing than previously thought.


'Gen Z may just be the answer to the manufacturing industry’s skilled trade shortage. According to a recent study by Leading2Lean, one third of this generation, which ranges from 18-22 years old, has had manufacturing suggested as a career option. That number was only one in five for Millennials. The study also suggested that Gen Z is intrigued by careers in manufacturing. They are more likely to consider working in it and less likely to view it as a declining industry. Here’s a quick look at five reasons manufacturing jobs are becoming more appealing to this generation and what you can do to ensure you are attracting this group of new collar workers.'





Read the full article on Corvex