What Held Manufacturers Back
in 2024?
Here's What 600+ Workers Said
Manufacturers today are scrambling to find and keep skilled workers, and poor communication is among the top reasons. Here’s what over 600 workers had to say about this topic.
Did you know?
75% of manufacturing professionals say there's a lack of skilled workers in the market. Of this group, almost 80% say the skills gap is disrupting production.
46% recall significant resignations...
...at their organization in the past year. Respondents in General Management were 15% more likely to say this.
40% say they aren't satisfied...
...with their current jobs, while 31% report wanting to leave their current jobs.
54% of respondents reporting...
...communication problems at work say that the labor shortage makes these problems even worse.
L2L continues to evolve and made many improvements in the past few years. They understand the bigger picture, the manufacturing challenges and data.
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